Rootless technology is coming for prevent iOS 9 Jailbreak
Apple is making the iOS tougher to hack by patching security holes and fixing errors since a long time. Within next few upgrades of iOS it will become almost impossible to jailbreak the system. Apple is preparing to introduce iOS 9 with “rootless” on upcoming WWDC keynote event. The new iOS will be extremely tough on iOS hackers. iOS 9 jailbreak is impossible according to news sources and rumors.
We seen enough examples of security enhancements of iOS system in last few upgrades too. The jailbreak industry is seems dormant since iOS 8.1.3 and this might be the longest waiting period for a jailbreak release. Apple is patching up all known security holes one by one. At the moment they have covered all of vulnerabilities which were kept for future jailbreaks. This should be due to Apple engineers are keep working closely with popular jailbreak developers and iOS hackers to get passed vulnerability details to patch up.
Apple has recognized jailbreak as a threat of their reliability. That’s why Apple is always fixing holes to prevent jailbreak. But we know there’s nothing perfect and at least few vulnerabilities will remain to exploit the iOS. In other hand we know iOS 8.4 beta jailbroken by i0n1c. We are not sure will the security hole remain when public release of iOS 8.4 but we know it’s still possible to jailbreak. The most recent update is Pangu has demoed iOS 8.3 jailbreak at the MOSEC. Instead of i0n1c, we can keep eye at Pangu jailbreak team and most probably they will release their tool right after Apple release iOS 8.4.
Both of iOS 8.4 and iOS 9 beta most likely to released together. Keep in mind that jumping into iOS 8.4 won’t be a good thing if you have an idea to jailbreak your device. There is no way back to downgrade iOS once you stepped up. Therefore we recommend to stay at iOS 8.3, if you have already upgraded from iOS 8.1 or 8.2. Because Pangu jailbreak demo was on iOS 8.3 jailbreak. We cannot expect iOS 8.4 jailbreak will be compatible with their exploit.
Upgrade to iOS 8.4 or iOS 9 beta
You can get iOS 9 beta on your device if you are an iOS enthusiast. You will be able to select upgrade to iOS 9 or return back to your previous iOS version at the end of beta testing period. iOS 9 supported devices will be iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5, Upcoming iPhone 6S, iPhone 6 plus S and all upcoming iPads, iPad Air 2 , iPad Air, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 2. You should have registered on iOS public beta testing program to download iOS 9 when it is available.
iOS 9 video preview
Jailbreak iOS 9 conclusion
As the sum up, iOS 9 jailbreak will not be an easy job. as we seen previous couple of iOS versions are got much harder to jailbreak, iOS 9 will be more and more tough on iOS hackers with rootless technology. There will be only a extremely less chance of Cydia download on iOS 9 devices. But hopefully we are looking forward for a good news because we know tons of competent iOS hackers are waiting for jailbreak iOS 9.