PanGu is doing a great job for jailbreak iOS 7.1.2, 7.1.1 and 7.1 devices. There’s no doubt. But we hear some Apple users complain about issues of Pangu Jailbreak such as disappearing apps after jailbreak, Stuck in bootloop and several other problems. Therefore a less amount of Cydia lovers tends to looking for Pangu alternatives.
There is no any other Jailbreak tool in the market to replace functions and capabilities of Pangu as it is. But there are few solutions which you can use with conditions instead of Pangu Jailbreak.
The closest solution is Geeksn0w. geeksnow is only compatible for iPhone 4. it supports to jailbreak semi tethered iOS 7 through 7.1. Geeksnow is only available for windows. geeksnow MAC is on CLI version which is not meet user requirements to use is comfortably. There’s a same functioning tool names sn0wbreak for MAC users. Both of these jailbreak software are only supports to jailbreak iPhone 4.
If you are still using iOS 7.0.x version, then you can easily jailbreak your device using evasi0n 1.0.7 which is one of the greatest jailbreak tool ever. If you think your iPhone, iPad or iPod is messed up with unnecessary Cydia Apps and tweaks, You can remove all Cydia tweaks using semi restore without losing your jailbreak. You can use semi restore for prevent autimatic uprade to iOS 7.1.2.
iOS 6.1.3 – 6.1.5 users can jailbreak with p0sixspwn.
Name | Supported iOS versions | Supported devices |
Pangu | iOS 7.1 – 7.1.2 | Any iPhone iPad or iPod |
Evasion 7 | iOS 7.0.X | Any iPhone iPad or iPod |
p0sixspwn | iOS 7.0.3 – 7.0.6 | Any iPhone iPad or iPod |
geeksnow | iOS 7.1 – 7.1.1 | iPhone 4 only |
snowbreak | iOS 7.1 – 7.1.1 | iPhone 4 only |